Saturday, November 15, 2008

Shaved Ham

...well, theres nothing worse than buying a ham with bristles sticking out of it is there?

Thursday, November 06, 2008


Tis the MOnth to grow hair on ones top lip to support Mens Health issues....
Being a long time wearer of a mo I fully support any mans desire to foliate their upper oral real estate!
I've sponsored a couple of mates who are growing a mo to raise MOney.
So guys...keep MOtivated as it's a MOst worthy cause.

Movember - Sponsor Me

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Great things cordless phones! you can walk around the house unencumbered by cords or get away from noisy co-habitants...
..BUT they are never close by or in the charging cradle when they ring!
You wander 'round the house following the ring desperately trying to find the bloody handset before the caller hangs up or the answering machine takes over the call...(doesn't help when you are half deaf in one ear and direction finding by sound is difficult!)
...and sometimes when you find the handset it's sitting within a metre of the second cordless handset, (also not in its charging base)....
Yep, damn fine invention that one!
(why is it that you can always remember where you put your mobile phone but not the home phone?)

Wednesday, July 09, 2008


The workers are getting a 21 dollar pay rise! and the pundits are speculating it will push up inflation and the CPI etc....

Now I remember when I was a young lad, my pocket money was initially indexed to the price of a Matchbox Car, and when a little older to the price of an LP... :)


Laughed out loud when I read an article today stating microsoft is spending something like 300 million dollars on advertising for their Vista operating system, which they claim is working well now and is not as bad as everyone says it is......
Microsoft...if Vista is that good, don´t waste your money on advertising. Release the Home Basic version for free instead. The resulting publicity would get better coverage than advertising, the resulting increase in user base would be quicker. You would then still profit from upgrades to the higher spec versions of Vista and sales of Office etc.... (assuming of course that people are happy with it)

For me?, I certainly would not pay for it, but would download a copy for free to try it again...(I tried out the release candidate).
...I´m not convinced that it works flawlessly yet, and I won´t take microsoft´s word for it!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Being Green (er)...and being ripped off by the power co.

It's startling to note the drop in water usage in the first water bill we have received after installing our new front load washing machine.
Our average daily water usage has dropped by around 1/3 (35.9% down from the last bill and 32.8% from the same period last year)
We have also noted a slight drop in power consumption.

We are now policing the potholes shower times, encouraging them to use a 4 minute timer, and encouraging them to switch off lights when they leave a room, along with turning off more appliances at the wall and not letting the computers run overnight.

And then....
Another win we have had, which should cut our power bill a bit is with the energy co. Some time ago they changed the meters in our meter box to "time of day" meters (so called "smart metering"), that record power used according to the time of day and we are billed according to what time the power was used at either peak, shoulder or off peak rates...
Fair enough I thought, until I recently started to scrutinise the bills looking for ways to reduce our consumption / cost. The off peak hot water (controlled by them remotely) was being billed at "off peak" for the bulk of its use, but when the second "boost" element cut in during the day we were being billed at "shoulder" or "peak" rates..
I checked with our "sparky", who lives on the corner, to see if he could put a switch in the meter box to isolate the boost element circuit, at least that way I could stop the high power usage during the peak period, but alas I would have to ring the energy co. because the existing master switch was sealed....
Then I checked the energy co. website and it implied that when they change you to "smart metering" your off peak hot water should not be, as I was previously only ever being charged off peak rates for boosted hot water during the day, I rang 'em...
Two weeks later they got back to me... "yes, you have been overcharged for your hot water"..turns out, not only were they charging me full rates for the "boost" usage during the day, the smart metering "off peak rate" they were charging for the hot water was dearer than what it should have been (should have remained on "off peak 1")...the end result is they had to go back to the date they changed the meters and reissue every bill at the correct now we have a big chunk of our latest bill credited!
So...check your bills if they have changed you to the new fangled metering!!!! it could pay off!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Straight ahead eh!

I have been amused by the road markings on this roundabout for some time now. It is near Nelson Bay....according to the road markings as you approach (from bottom of picture) you can turn left or go straight ahead from the left lane, turn right or go straight ahead from the right lane....the thing is, ... straight ahead puts you into the trees!, as in reality, you can only go left or right ....gotta laugh!
note: there is a similar marking on the inside lane approaching from the right of the picture.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

International Rescue?

Was watching the news this morning and noticed these dudes in funny hats trying to stop the "pro Tibetan / anti Chinese Olympic Torch Relay" demonstrators.....

Thunderbirds are go.....! good to see they're out of retirement...


Sunday, April 06, 2008

new Ubuntu coming soon

I am eagerly awaiting the latest Ubuntu release.8.04.."Hardy Herron". I was going to completely rebuild the Linux box at the release of the last version, but opted to upgrade instead...this time I am going to do it, I swear!..
...the system as it stands now dual boots with windows Vista, which I have absolutely no interest in, as it's such a bloated piece of CRAP!...those I know, who have now gone from Vista to Vista SP1 are saying it is really no better than left alone is my theory..perhaps it will die the death it deserves...and besides, it's wasting a perfectly good Hard Drive that can be deployed elsewhere!

So , again I say, Ubuntu rocks!, well worth a play with, it comes as a complete distribution with software included for most everything you need for day to day computing, and a huge on line repository of alternate software at your of all..its FREE.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Scaredy Cat

Our "Ginger" Persian Garfield, "the great Camellia Hunter", is scared of our new washing machine. Its funny really, as the old machine was way noisier, in fact it could be heard throughout the whole house and then some!....the new machine by comparison is whisper why is he scared?
The different noises it does make may be of some concern to him, as he grew up from a kitten in the laundry with the old clunker and as such he may not be in his comfort zone now with the new intruder.....BUT the real scary bit seems to be that he can now see the clothes moving through the door, as the new unit is a front loader...he jumps a mile and cowers if he sees it move!....
One would assume he would get used to it fairly quickly but we've had it a few weeks now and he still doesn't like it!.....and doesn't like going near it when it's on....