I have been using "open office" lately and am quite happy with it as a whole. (as opposed Bills office software which is a hole...and i was dreading paying for a more recent version than what i had)
I feel much better using "software written for the masses" so to speak than contributing to Mr Gates retirement fund, and also not being so exposed to anti Bill worms etc.
speaking of "open". . . can anone tell me why Mandrake Linux changed their name to Mandriva?...maybe the magician complained?
I'd like to get a Linux box off the ground to stuff around with,,,,I've got a nearly historic Smelleron 400 that I'm assuming has enough grunt to run Linux provided I get a version that supports its hardware. I can boot it to "mandrake move" which is a single cd-rom portable version so I'm hopefull "Mandriva" will work. I tried "debian" but it didn't take too kindly to the Lan card I had installed so I've canned that distribution for now!
Wouldn't it be nice if I could ditch all the window boxes in the house, and teach the kids n wife to use Linux instead!...I don't see many kids games on the shelves ported to linux yet so it probably won't happen lol! (i don't see "world of warcraft" for linux yet which is quite perplexing considering its global popularity!)...
Lets hope that the "open" movement continues, and isn't absorbed by the big players protecting their own bottom line.....
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Do the Aliens play Tennis on the Dark Side...
4 years ago
Hi Geoff,
You get lots of games with most Linux distributions. I'm running Debian Sarge, no problems except audio sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I just need to read some docs and I'm too lazy right now. I'm not running a LAN, so I don't know what your problem was there.
Geoff I have linux distros give me a call, you're right this is the pitts:-) CE 849
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