...sorry , couldn't think of any thing else or more appropriate to call this post.
I am currently exploring "windows vista", discovering its nuances etc. A necessary evil in my line of work as an IT tech.
I have installed it twice now, onto my trusty "testbed" PC, first time upgrading from XP Pro to Vista and then a performing a clean install...
hmmmmm, my initial recommendation....don't bother trying to upgrade...back up your files and start with a clean install...
Why?..While Vista managed the upgrade reasonably well, and no files were lost, it took a long long long time to do it! and the end result was a little sus. I did run the Vista ready program beforehand so i had some idea what to expect it would have a problem with both hardware and software wise. What I didn't count on was a few little driver errors that seemed to relate to hardware my PC just did not have!!!
I then tried a clean install and by comparison it was heaps quicker and the end result was much much better...no apparent issues (as yet!) ..other than it trying to "hibernate" my PC , which it did... but I could not wake it up.!!!....well yes I did...with a power reset.@#$%!!!..have to look into that one...I've dissabled that function temporarily..lol.
AND concurrently with all this, (dual booted) on the same box I have installed the latest Ubuntu Linux 6.10 (Edgy Eft), which by comparison has been blissfully simple and no-fuss.....say no more!
Latest Crater pic.
Heath captured these craters upon opening our latest jarπ
Thanks Heath, great find!π
4 weeks ago
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