The annual Silly Season on the roads has hit us...and out of hiding have come all the incompetent, got their licence at woolies, motorists...and the, "yeah, she'll be right for the trip" type who's car only putt-putts to work n back, who you invariably see ...broken down, hood up etc. with a clueless look of despair flagging down help..
.The run down the freeway has given the ol car a major coronary....
"you want me to go 110?....after all this time?... and I havent been over 70 for over a year? sure?...cough cough...what about my coolant that hasn't been changed for years! all these kids and luggage sure are heavy!!....and the sludge, er oil! or lack of it should I say!.. and why am I pulling to one side I hear you curse? before you loaded me with a ton of people and accessories you should have checked my tyre pressure......
...and road rules? what are they...we're on holidays!, we're allowed to drive with no peripheral vision and no consideration for the other motorists, we have to get to our destination as quick as we can! there's last years record we have to beat!
You see them....bucket hats are a giveaway!, poorly levelled caravan hitching is another, drifting in and out of lanes without indicating, trying to u-turn to go back to the exit they missed...
A bloke has his work cut out, just keeping clear of these idiots to go somewhere to get his work done!
Can't wait for it to be over...I'm over it!
Latest Crater pic.
Heath captured these craters upon opening our latest jarπ
Thanks Heath, great find!π
4 weeks ago
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