Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Global Warming Theory #47

(Caution, this post may contain tongue in cheek bullshit!)

Ponder This.... what if our Air Conditioners are the direct cause of global warming? An air conditioner works by transferring heat (a heat pump) from inside our buildings and cars to the outside world. As time goes on more and more of us are installing Air Conditioners.... and as time goes on average global temperatures are allegedly on the rise... see where I'm going? I know I have stood outside near a working Air Con unit and been blasted by hot air while inside is blissfully cool. Where does that heat go? Into the atmosphere is the obvious answer ;-) surely there has to be some effect if only at a local level? Think about a densely populated area with hundreds of air conditioners all pumping out heat..... 
Yeah yeah, I know Correlation does not imply Causation etc, but hey, I like my theory :-)

A lot of us (Globally) are probably powering our air conditioners using fossil fuel supplied power which is more likely contributing to global temperature rise... and then there are the refrigerants used in said air conditioners that if leaked to the atmosphere are apparently more destructive than CO2...

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Sunday, January 08, 2017

The Butterfly (and harnessing the power of Chaos)

This is our Butterfly that has resided on the front of our house for a few years now.

You might think it is purely decoration, but it has an alternate purpose (for me anyway).

Have you heard of (Random) Chaos Theory? A common analogy is of a butterfly flapping its wings in the Amazon causing a series of events that culminate in a Cyclone/Hurricane on the other side of the globe.

Well my theory is Harnessed Chaos , whereby I am harnessing the Chaotic Powers of the Butterfly to achieve a set goal. For example, I will snap my fingers in the kitchen to alert/wake up the butterfly and it will flap its wings to start the chain of events needed to make the kettle finish boiling and trip off so I can make my Coffee. Or I snap my fingers to alert it to the fact that my web page hasn't finished loading...

Other theories I have previously published:




Tuesday, January 03, 2017

It's been a while....

Hi all, I haven't posted to this blog for several years, (nearly 5!!!) so I thought I'd best keep it going. Incidentally my Vegemite Moon Blog has been trickling along slowly in the meantime... A lot has happened in my world over the last few years, not all necessarily good mind you.

On a positive note I found a great job auditing/surveying for a company contracted to provide performance data related to Public Transport in New South Wales. It involves night work in Railway Yards and travel on Trains at all hours of the day! Completely different to anything I've done in the past, which may be why I enjoy it so much. That and the fact I've always liked travel and working in the field. I've certainly learned a lot about our rail system and passenger train rolling stock! I may be in danger of becoming a train spotter hahaha!

Our children are growing up fast, with 2 studying at University now, a third starting University next year, and one still at High School. The last few years has been a constant driver training school at our house and will continue with our last learner driver starting soon.

My own personal health has taken a double whammy, having suffered a heart attack late in 2015, requiring stents and then finding out mid 2016 I have bowel cancer. I am currently just over half way through chemotherapy, after spending 47 days in (2) Hospitals as a result of botched bowel surgery and complications. All is looking good at the moment and I hope to be back to "normal" by mid year!

Here's to a positive 2017! and hopefully some more consistent blogging.....