Thursday, March 30, 2006

Jay Leno has similar theory

Jay Leno said the other night on his show that apparently pole dancers spin anti clockwise in the southern hemisphere (OZ), compared to clockwise in the US.......see, I'm not crazy!

note... see prev post "stuff" november 2005

Monday, March 27, 2006

AHOY! Not long now....

Just under a week to go now until we embark on our 10th Wedding Anniversary Cruise..
We will be cruising the South Pacific for 11 days . . . and we just can't wait!!!. The "potholes" are going to stay at Grandma's while we renew our vows and enjoy a "Second Honeymoon" aboard the Pacific Sun...take in the tropical sun...visit some of the islands in Vanuatu...drink heaps of grog...spoil ourselves stupid really!!! Sure we'll miss the kids (?) but they are really looking forward to holidaying with Grandma...Heath, infact thought that he was going there this last weekend, and was a little upset to find out he had to wait another week...Mike started packing things to take up there weeks ago!!!...and James has been fairly quiet about the whole deal (I think he will be the most emotional about us going initially)...
The days are going faster the closer it gets...can't wait, can't wait, can't wait........

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

webcam off now

I have turned off the webcam software for now....
It seemed fairly stable, but didn't cope 100 % with all the other stuff happening on this PC...
Some other software when run, hampered its ability to reliably upload images....
Left to its own devices on a quieter, perhaps dedicated PC it would possibly work without hiccup.
If I find another program to try, I will set it up again "on trial".
The "eyetoy" camera itself stated in a previous remark , seems to suffer from auto exposure problems, but served its purpose for testing ...a better cam will have to be sourced if I put one online permanently.


Monday, March 13, 2006

I'd like to buy a vowel please...

e-mail, e-business, e-commerce, imac, ipod, itunes....etc... so forth, need iquote more?
The point is, someone comes up with an IT buzzword abreviation starting with a vowel and every man and his dotcom follows the whats next, imean the irish probably have dibs on "o" (o'reilly,o'rourke,o'donahugh......) and nobody would be silly e-nough to steal that one!... "a" is sort of taken with our e-mail addresses in @. But we could probably use it at a-pinch... so that leaves "u" which I dare say, other than U-Haul, is probably out there somewhere but not as well used.... unix, uucp, u-tarzan?....I guess the unix camp have rights to it...

So that means there are no more vowels . . .hmmm

Thursday, March 09, 2006

More webcam experimentation

experimenting with the "eyetoy" cam....uploading images to my webspace at exetel. ...will probably have it up as much as possible over the next couple of days to test software to see if i like it...if it works out i might get a weather proof cam and mount it outside ($ permitting) permanently....cecil

Friday, March 03, 2006


Must have been a cowboy in a past life!
After months of pain i finally asked the doc to look at my sore heel.
He sent me to radiology for an Xray....see pic.
You've got a heel spur!....great all i need now is the Horse!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Eye Toy as a webcam

After pondering the potholes "eye toy" for their PS2, I got to thinking ... this is just a USB webcam isn't it?.... a quick google and by golly I was right .... a few sites came up detailing how to use it on your PC as a webcam. (Its not quite plug and play as it is). Followed the "destructions" and it works like a beaut! see pic ... audio and all..even with msn etc...