Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Straight ahead eh!

I have been amused by the road markings on this roundabout for some time now. It is near Nelson Bay....according to the road markings as you approach (from bottom of picture) you can turn left or go straight ahead from the left lane, turn right or go straight ahead from the right lane....the thing is, ... straight ahead puts you into the trees!, as in reality, you can only go left or right ....gotta laugh!
note: there is a similar marking on the inside lane approaching from the right of the picture.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

International Rescue?

Was watching the news this morning and noticed these dudes in funny hats trying to stop the "pro Tibetan / anti Chinese Olympic Torch Relay" demonstrators.....

Thunderbirds are go.....! good to see they're out of retirement...


Sunday, April 06, 2008

new Ubuntu coming soon

I am eagerly awaiting the latest Ubuntu release.8.04.."Hardy Herron". I was going to completely rebuild the Linux box at the release of the last version, but opted to upgrade instead...this time I am going to do it, I swear!..
...the system as it stands now dual boots with windows Vista, which I have absolutely no interest in, as it's such a bloated piece of CRAP!...those I know, who have now gone from Vista to Vista SP1 are saying it is really no better than left alone is my theory..perhaps it will die the death it deserves...and besides, it's wasting a perfectly good Hard Drive that can be deployed elsewhere!

So , again I say, Ubuntu rocks!, well worth a play with, it comes as a complete distribution with software included for most everything you need for day to day computing, and a huge on line repository of alternate software at your of all..its FREE.