Saturday, November 05, 2005

theory of relativity?

My own theory of relativity relates to the speed at which motorists drive, depending on how far north or south of their home they are...
In my travels for my previous job i have clocked millions of km's around the northern half of NSW Australia, during which time i had noticed a definite trend relating to the speed at which my fellow motorists from interstate travelled on the highways.
As a rule the Queenslanders went faster and the Victorians went slower.
After some time i figured this must be due to the difference in speed that they are used to travelling through space, where they normally live.
ie. a Queenslander living closer to the equator is moving at a faster rate through space as the earth spins than say a Victorian who is closer to the South Pole. The result is that as the Queenslander moves south he subconsciously feels the need to drive faster so that he feels the same relative velocity through space, and vica versa for the Victorian who feels he has to slow down as the effect of the earth moving relatively faster through space makes him subconsciously feel he is going too fast.

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